Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 1...10/15/2015

So Day wasn't that bad.  :-)  I was pleasantly surprised to not have 1 headache and to not feel very hungry.  I did get a little anxious when I got home from work because I am a major eat alone on the couch while I watch TV girl.  I am hoping that will be one habit I change through this process!  I had 4 shakes, 1 soup and 1 bar.  I am not a fan of the ready made shakes.  They are dairy free and soy based I think so they have a little different flavor.  I had the garden tomato soup which was surprisingly tasty.  I have read about people adding things to the soups and shakes, but think I will mostly wait until I start to get bored before I do that.  I walked the dogs for 30 minutes in the morning before work.  I peed a ton and think I lost 2lbs of water weight.  Haha...PS remember I'm a nurse so if I have crazy symptoms or things I won't hesitate to warn people.  :-)

Overall it was a fine day.   I did try and go to bed early just so I wouldn't be tempted to eat.  My plan for Day 2 is try and have a couple supplements later or spread out just a little further.  

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