Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week 2 weigh-in

Minus about 7.8 total on the clinic scale (I'm not 100% sure about the weekly loss since it is a different scale.  On MY all important scale I am down 11.4, 3.2 from this past week.  I'm happy with that.  Its that time of the month every woman retains water and maybe doesn't lose weight, so I'm especially happy that this time I did!  I am not drinking quite enough water I think.  However, I'm drinking at least 80oz/day so I'm not sure how that's possible.  Anyway, today I have a little headache and I had this weird moment of nausea, but it passed.  I switched to 3 shakes, 2 bars and 1 soup this week and next.  I just thought it would be easier at work.  We shall see!

As for activity, I restarted the C25K app and I'm on week 1 day 2.  It's going fine.  I was a little worried I wouldn't have the energy, but it worked out great.  I had a shake first (630!) and the did the run/walk.  I will say that since I started eating so early, I was extra hungry by 6.  I will have to play with the timing.  I think my headache might be related to not enough water  because of the exercise.  I also need to remember to drink a whole 8oz with my midday bar since I will be missing the fluids from the shake.  I also didn't sleep great last night-I had coffee around 3 and it may have kept me up.  Lesson learned (again).

I wanted to take a minute to talk about motivators and goals.  Our homework for this week is to list 3 motivators and then 3 goals to move more (1 short term, 1 medium and 1 long term) so I've been thinking about that.  One of my motivators is to be able to enjoy outdoor activities without being miserable (hot, out of breath, etc).  Another includes shopping for cute clothes.  :-)  I'm having difficulty with the 3rd because I am not in poor health (yet) and that seems like it would be the next important so maybe it's to maintain my health.  For the goals:  1. complete the weekly C25K program (it's 8 weeks so that's 8 weeks worth of short term goals) 2. Run a 5k in February 3. complete a 10k next fall (1yr).  In reality I want to do the Nike women's half and actually enjoy it next year.  But that will be a run/walk so that's why I'm choosing the 10k.

We are also supposed to read a chapter from the book Living Smart Five Essential Skills to Change Your Health Habits Forever.  I'm also currently reading The Beck Diet Solution.  I'm finding it really interesting and I'm excited to change my thinking around food.  I feel like most of my eating occurs when I am alone.  I never finish my entire meal at a restaurant, but if I order a pizza, it's gone in 2-3 days.  The most overeating always occurs when I haven't eaten or had enough to drink throughout the day so I'm starving on the way home so I stop for fast food.  I also stop for cokes and sweet teas.  Those calories really add up!  And I know that.  One of the keys for me in maintenance is going to be drinking water.  When I'm not thirsty I don't want sweet tea or soda!

I'm trying to work on other healthy habits as well.  I looked at my average steps/day for last month and they were 6200.  Our facilitator challenged us to increase them by 500/day/wk until we reach 10000.  Already this week I'm getting closer to 7000 so I don't think it will be long til I'm reaching that goal.  I am also making sure the dogs get at least one 30min walk.  If I increase to 2 I will probably be at the 10000 steps/day.  Another thing that I think is key to well being is sleep!  I truly believe the blue light from screens interfere with sleep so I've been turning off my computer, phone, TV, etc by 9pm and just going to bed to read on my nook (which is the one with e-ink so no backlight).  I'm sleeping so much better!!

So that's it, that's where I'm at!  Sleeping more, walking more and in general I'm just happier.  And 11.4lbs lighter!

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