Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 2...just a little headache, but more hunger

So I wasn't sure when to expect hunger and headaches and the dreaded ketoflu that everyone talks about.  I don't think I'm there yet.  I am hungrier today so maybe tomorrow I will feel it.  I have had just a little headache today due to my brilliant idea of cutting out coffee.  I think it might be better to wean myself off of it.  So mid morning I had a vanilla ready to drink shake mixed in an 8oz cup of coffee and it was fine.  :-)  I wouldn't say it was as good as a Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha, but I don't have many of those anyway.  I had the chicken soup at lunch time with some ground black pepper.  It was pretty good.  I think having the soups for lunch is a good idea anyway because that is a healthy habit I want to adopt after this crazy 15 weeks end.  So in total I had 4 shakes, 1 soup and I'm about to have a bar.  An aside for people who may be thinking about doing this...I mentioned I don't like the ready made shakes, but the strawberry ready to drink is especially not good.  It's drinkable so I guess not horrible, but just not something I plan to continue to order.  So far the vanilla powder is my favorite.  I have added pumpkin pie spice twice and it's a great evening dessert.  :-)

So overall today, I'm pretty hungry, maybe a 7 on a 0-10 scale.  But that didn't start until about 5 this evening.  I still have a dull headache, but I am really blaming it on the stupid choice of eliminating caffeine for no good reason.  I'm drinking at least 2 liters of water in addition to the shakes so the bathroom is my best friend.  

That's about it!  Tomorrow I might head to the movies so that I can avoid sitting on the couch thinking about food!  I am anticipating based on what I've read it might be the worst day.  Which makes me happy I started on a the time Monday rolls around I should be feeling pretty good!

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