Monday, October 19, 2015

Day 5 and holding strong....

I didn't write anything yesterday because, frankly, I didn't have anything to say about the plan.  :-)  I am assuming I am in Ketosis and perhaps my headaches on Friday and a little Saturday were related to it.  I'm not honestly sure, because some people say "ketoflu" is horrible and enough to make you never want to cheat.  For me, I get headaches frequently when I don't drink enough water and they have been much worse.  Guess it helped I stayed hydrated.  I've been logging all my product into My Fitness Pal.  I like the app and plan to continue using it for a long time!  Anyway, I have to add 40calories per day as a "quick add" because MFP doesn't like it when women take in less than 1000cal/day.  I'm glad they have that feature in general because it would be a huge trigger for anoretics.

Something happened today that I should write so I'm reminded later!  I had my chocolate shake on the drive to work then got to work and realized I had only brought a shake and a soup!  I have been having 4 products before I get home at night and then just have the last 2 and maybe a cup of tea.  I was ok and had a cup of tea around 4pm, but then I was heading to the elevator and got a little dizzy.  SO!  Lesson learned!  I'm going to start taking all my product for the week to work on Thursdays after I pick it up on Wednesday night.

Now, I am occasionally hungry, but mostly when it is time for me to have another shake.  And it isn't like before when I might not eat much all day and then feel sort of weak and "funny" and ravished until I ate a huge dinner.  Something I will try and remember when I enter transition and maintenance!  Of course, that seems forever away right now!

In reality I'm not even finished with week 1 yet and the novelty has not warn off.  I still hear people mention food and my first thought is "oh poor me I can't have that" but I try to stop those thoughts immediately and change to "oh well I can't have that right now and the end results are going to be so worth it."  So far that's working for me.

I am reading some of the Optifast Support posts on Facebook.  While it is motivating, there seem to be a lot of people on there who are buying it online and it's sort of frustrating!  As a nurse, I know how important it is to monitor labs, etc while being on a low calorie diet.  These people are recommending people do things like take vitamin water (strictly forbidden by our doctor), eat veggies even if it's not on plan, etc.  One study shows that it is better to not eat anything at all because to chew stimulates something in you and makes you want to chew even more.  So I'll stick to my 1 or 2 bars.  Other than the first night when I would have loved to have another (but didn't) I haven't felt the need to continue chewing.

I've been thinking about how to order product.  I don't particularly like the fact that we basically ordered blindly (other than a taste test of the powder shakes and bars) for the first 2 weeks.  I won't order strawberry ready made anymore.  I'm also going to try 2 bars and 1 soup and then 3 shakes and see how that goes.  Then I'll drink a glass of water with the bars.  Water...that is something I am doing  surprisingly well on.  I used to drink 3L a day and somewhere in the last 5 years I just stopped drinking it!  It feels good to be hydrated again...maybe that's why I'm not having many issues.

I have to confess to weighing myself WAY too often, but it's so fun to watch the weight come off even if it water weight!  I heard about a study that says weighing daily might actually be a great way to stay on track esp in maintenance.  This will surely be frowned upon by Kaiser, but when I stopped weighing myself is when I gained!  Of course there were other factors, but that was one piece.

What else can I say?  I'm mixing the shakes with a variety of things.  Some favorites are:

1.  Vanilla powder with diet A&W root beer with some ice
2.  Coffee with a box of chocolate or vanilla are both good!  I added some pumpkin pie spice to one and it was great-even though I'm not a fan of pumpkin spice lattes...yes I know, unAmerican.
3.  Ready made chocolate warmed up and then add caramel sugar free syrup (I bought the Target brand)
4.  Boil water in the tea kettle and add vanilla powder, pumpkin pie spice and a little vanilla and cinnamon (only because there isn't enough already....ha!)
5.  Not a shake by cayenne in the tomato sou is tasty
6.  And I highly recommend heating the bars for 15-30sec!  They taste like a yummy warm dessert!

One thing I wonder is after all of this sweet stuff will I continue to want to end my night with something sweet?  I'm not sure, but historically it sounds like people generally start to crave more savory and salty things.  We shall about 14.5 weeks.  :-)

I hate to say it, but I'm excited and a little nervous to weigh in on Wednesday!  I'm afraid that the number won't be as exciting as I thought it would be and I've been trying to think of what I would be ok with for a week 1 number.  I think it's because usually people lose a large amt the first week due to water loss and then it tapers off so if I don't put up a good number this week, what will that mean for the rest??  I won't be very happy if I don't lose at least 2lb/week on this plan!!  Also, its getting to be that time in the month where I always retain water....something I should document in My Fitness Pal so that I remember!

Signing off...time to turn the screens off!  If anyone is out there reading this Thanks!

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