Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day 3!!

So, I'm still waiting for this Ketoflu thing everyone talks about.  Right now I'm just a little hungry.  Maybe I won't get the symptoms as bad as others.  One can only hope right?!

I had 4 shakes and 2 bars today.  I made a pumpkin pie spice vanilla creme tonight and it was delicious.  Just boiled my water with the tea kettle, added the vanilla powder and added a couple shakes of the pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon and a dash of vanilla extract.  I also went out and bought tea bags.  I decided they might be helpful to mix things up rather than drinking water constantly when I have an inkling of hunger.  I also don't want my body to think it needs to be full all the time either because that's when I feel like I eat constantly!

Anyway, all in all a good day.  I walked the pups twice.  Once in the AM, followed by some playtime at the dog park and some sprinkles of rain-much needed in California right now!!  It felt so good.  Then tonight I headed out near sunset and sat by the water for some great sunset and fog views!  I love the bay area and am so happy to be making this very important lifestyle change here!

Off to have some Sleepytime Tea and hopefully a great nights rest!  Eventually I need to do more than just hang out on my couch and outside for an hour a day, but a cool, drizzly, foggy Saturday makes for a great couch day!

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