Sunday, November 8, 2015

Optifast concoctions...

I hesitate to call them recipes and I'm not exactly gourmet, but I always wondered what people added and if it was ok per the plan so here are some of my favorites.  Note that my plan is full fast so I can't add veggies, etc like some.  Kaiser also limits our caffeine intake to 2 8oz glasses/day.  I didn't realize that orange soda and creme soda have caffeine so I slipped on that one a few time!  Now I have a coffee in the am and if I have another coffee later I won't have the orange or creme soda.  I  also am NOT a fan of fake sugars, but I haven't had any side effects so for the program I'm allowing them just to add variety and prevent flavor fatigue.

Hot Drinks*
Vanilla with pumpkin pie spice (or SF Pumpkin Pie Torani syrup)
Vanilla with SF Belgian Cookie Torani
Vanilla with Cinnamon

Chocolate with any SF Torani Syrup-so far I have tried: Almond Rocha, Salted Caramel, Belgian Cookie, Peanut Butter, S'Mores
Chocolate with peppermint extract

Coffee with either chocolate or vanilla Optifast
I cold brew coffee and have the concentrate for a few days.  I've been doing 1/3c grounds with 3 cups water, stir and let sit out over night then pour through a filter the next day.  Once I'm out of my already ground beans I plan to buy good whole beans and use my  french press so it will be a little simpler.  :-)
After adding the shakes I put it all in the micro for about 45sec-1min depending on how how you like things.  Note I have tried to mix the shakes with hot water but it just doesn't mix as well.
Coffee + Choc + any of the above SF Torani syrups
Coffee + Vanilla + SF Belgian Cookie
Coffee + Vanilla + Almond Rocha
Coffee + Vanilla + Cinnamon

Chicken + Fiesta Lime No Salt added Mrs. Dash
Chicken + Garlic Pepper No Salt added Mrs. Dash
Chicken + Lemon Pepper Lowry's
Chicken + Sriracha

Tomato + Cayenne
Tomato + Garlic and Pepper No Salt added Mrs. Dash
Tomato + Chipotle Southwest No Salt added Mrs. Dash
Tomato + Sriracha

Cold Drinks***
Vanilla + Diet Root Beer + ice
Vanilla + Diet Creme Soda (note buy caffeine free or count in your daily caffeine intake!) + ice
Vanilla + Diet Orange Soda (note buy caffeine free or count in your daily caffeine intake!) + Ice
Vanilla + Pumpkin Pie Spice + ice

Chocolate + SF Peanut Butter Torani syrup + ice
Chocolate + Peppemint extract

Strawberry + Diet Orange Soda (note buy caffeine free or count in your daily caffeine intake!)
Strawberry + Diet Creme Soda (note buy caffeine free or count in your daily caffeine intake!)
Strawberry + Almond extract
My next plan is to add basil to the strawberry

*I always mix the shakes with cold water and then warm it all in the micro or use ready made and warm it all in the micro

**Again I mix in the blender bottle or Ninja with cold water otherwise I have gotten sprayed or it clumps

***I'm not sure why I *** this.  hahahah

I like all the bars. The peppermint, cinnamon and peanut are quite good if you warm them 15-20sec in the microwave.  You could even eat the peppermint with a fork if you warm it-actually you have to because it is too gooey!  The berry is my least favorite, but I keep it for variety.

The only shake I really don't like is the READY MADE strawberry.  And to drink alone I prefer the powders to the ready made.  The ready made is not milk based so I think that has something to do with it.  I believe it is soy.  It works well in my coffee, but otherwise I stick to powders-bonus they are cheaper!

My program recommends daily fiber so I drink 1 8oz glass of SF orange Metamucil daily.  I realized not long after I bought it that I should have just bought Benefiber and added it to one of my shakes.  Whoops!  Ah well it gets me another 8oz of water and I just chug it.  It's 112 servings, so it will last most of the active weight loss phase.  :-)  As a GI nurse this is obviously important to me.  Our program does not allow for any other options (you don't have to buy the brands-you could just buy psyllium) and since it is medically monitored and they have proven success I am sticking to plan 100%.

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