Saturday, November 7, 2015

Having a boring day...

I need to figure out what that means to me.  I walked with a friend (just a short 40 or so minutes) and went to see the new James Bond movie Spectre.  I don't know why I feel a little blah today.  I guess I'm tired of not doing much besides watch TV and walk with my dogs.  They are cute and adorable of course, but it isn't a very full life!  I need to figure out how to stay interested.  I'm not really sure what the right word is...Anyway I suppose in January when school starts I will be plenty busy!

I could also be reading or coloring or folding the laundry I just washed so I guess bored might not really be the right word.  Discontent?  Hmmmmm....

The movie was fine.  A little part of me missed being able to get lunch or brunch after or before.  Those are the sorts of things that I think are going to be tough.  I'm going to see a musical in a few weeks and that will be a similar thing.  Ah well, I just remind myself it isn't forever.  It's just 11 more weeks after all!  And I'm hoping that by that time I will be more than halfway to my goal.  I've also been wondering when we talk about goal and transition.  I want to learn about how to eat and measure portions.  I know I will need to buy a scale and some other things.  I don't like waiting to find things out so I guess this is a good lesson in patience.  :-)

I was trying to think of a reward system for sticking to this.  I don't really know how the program feels about rewards.  We haven't talked about it at all so I don't know if it is frowned upon.  Anyway, I want to "reward" myself with some things for cooking and to make eating at my dining room table more enjoyable.  Some things on the list are:  a spiralizer, small bowls and plates, table decor and a cookbook holder.  Maybe a pitcher and some things to hold spoons and hot dishes.  It almost seems silly since I live alone, but eating at the table is an important habit.  I'm also going to pick out a playlist to reward myself for doing the C25K week 1!  I will finish week 2 tomorrow.  So I think I will pick tomorrows play list tonight and then find another one for tomorrow.  Or maybe just add a song for every week I complete it.  That might be more fun.  :-)

I feel strangely better for blogging (even if I am the only one who reads this) so yeah me!  Think I will go fold that laundry.  :-)

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