Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week 7 Weigh-in

I feel like I should be writing about more than weights, but that's sort of what I'm focused on right now!  So here it is...6 weeks of the program complete, 5 week full fast and my grand total is 20.6lbs!  I'm considering it 5 weeks of weight loss since I didn't make any changes week 1.  That's just over 4lbs/week!  Wahoo!!!!  That means I am 1/4 of the way to goal.  I'm hoping next week I leave the 220s behind.  Just a couple more pounds and I will be back to the weight I was at when I went to Europe (and came back) a couple years ago.  So I'm happy about that.  Next goal is to get back to my "leaving San Diego" weight.  :-)

One of my friends I work with keeps making comments about weight loss which I think she bases on her own personal experience.  She has never been overweight (although she claims to have gained 40lbs with her last pregnancy.  I think what people who just think they weigh too much don't really grasp what it means to really be for real overweight.  They also don't understand that when you weigh more you just lose weight faster.  I shouldn't have been annoyed at her comment.  After she made the comment that was basically that I wouldn't be able to lose 1-2lbs/week after the fast part of this is over she kept going on and on about how as we get older we don't lose weight as quickly, blah, blah, blah....this may be true, but when you take someone who has a lot of weight to lose they actually lose weight faster for a while.  Of course everyone has plateaus, etc.  I just think those sorts of comments are completely unnecessary.  I don't have unrealistic goals.  1-2lbs/week is considered a nice healthy pace at which to lose weight.  Grrrrr....ah well...I'm letting it go.  I had lost a couple pounds earlier this year and she made another comment like that and I totally stopped counting calories because I felt so discourage.  So the lesson is don't listen to her and don't engage in conversations with her about it!

I keep thinking I will do work the Beck Diet Solution, but I also keep putting it off.  I feel like it will make more since when I eat food.  But I also know that it focuses a lot on behaviors.  Maybe I should look at what the days entail and see what seems like a good time to start in relation to when I will be transitioning to real food.

Not much else is happening.  I had a little setback on my run/walk.  I didn't drink enough water and had headaches for a couple days at the end of last week.  Then on Saturday I pulled something in my back.  So I got back on it on Tuesday and have only done 1 day this week, but it's Thursday so I can do tomorrow and then a day on the weekend.  I have done my stretch video twice which is pretty good. Oh, I got into grad school...Can't remember if I posted that.  Yeah!!

I suppose that's all for now! I think it might be a good idea to blog more frequently...I always think journaling is cathartic.

PS for the time being I'm considering my week to be Thurs-Wed.  That may or may not change once my 30 weeks is up!

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